I was mainly depressed, because of his personality. Not a lot of people have such a gentle demeanor. He was a good man, and the entertainment world will never truly know what they missed out on.
Well Hello there, I am a twenty one year old girl who loves to draw and is majoring to be a film editor. At the moment I am not in college but I do study up on as much as I can with the spare time that is given to me. I love to draw and thats about it.
Age 34, Female
Joined on 3/11/10
I was mainly depressed, because of his personality. Not a lot of people have such a gentle demeanor. He was a good man, and the entertainment world will never truly know what they missed out on.
It was good to hear from you! Don't take the kids problems home with you :3
Oh my, this post has gotten old.... what's new?
His first animations were kinda rough, but edd's sense of humor really set him apart from everyone else. The same with the sprite animator that passed away too - I remember (over ten years ago) not his animations, but how he wrote about video games on his site... I used to go there right after NG's... but then he put up somekinda registration w/ adware....
I've gotten through 2 session and am seeing better results, so either way, you're getting that file. I so wanted it done by Easter, but between doctors and the farmwork, I'm more out of sorts than ever before. It was much easier when I lived alone, had a real job.... bla-blah, right?