She is a hot orc and you did a great job! ...
I just flamed at one of your Flash favorites; the weird weather in NYC. I think the guy who did it's talented, but I thought it was beneath him, script-wise. I told him to pick up his game, and live a little, or check the Forums for writers with better ideas. I'm sure you know what I mean. Everything's perfect: cast, crew, BG's, DP... the whole lot. But the script was written by a monkey:(
Ah, I'm just a bitter old man who found the industry as fickle as friends in highschool.
Wow, she looks like a zombie version of Grace Jones, only w/ bigger bewbs! Uh, don't name the wood-elf after me though.. maybe "Pugslyworth"? I'm guessing he's an off-the-shelf NPC anyway, just there to hold your purse when the chunky salsa flies.
I actually thought you made a physical mask-thingy when you mentioned it. Were there a lot of variables to choose from? The ones with slide-bars for size and shape are the most challenging.
lol elf name is Faendal and he fucking awesome. I am close combat so i needed a archer.. I found him... And Grace Jones! Pffff, no if you saw her in person you be hot... Its hard to make orcs pretty so this is real good in my opinion ehhehe.